Dordi Khola HEP (27MW)


Dordi Khola HEP (Background)

Dordi Khola Hydropower Project on the Dordi Khola is a run of the river type project in Dordi Rural Municipality and Besisahar Municipality – 11 of Lamjung District. The company started the construction of the project in 2015 and completed in 2022. The delay in the completion of the project was basically because of the impact of 2015 devastating earthquake, India-Nepal border blockade, devastating flood of 2021, COVID 19 and unpreparedness of Transmission Line to be constructed by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA).

The headworks structures of the project lie at an elevation of 758m asl on Dordi Khola in Chiti, Nauther and Bansar village junction and the surface powerhouse is situated on the left bank of Marshyangdi River at an elevation of 551masl and about 500 m upstream from the confluence of Dordi Khola and Marshyangdi River in Chiti, of Besisahar Municipality. The gross head of the Project is 212 m and the design discharge 15.28 m3/s. The annual average contract energy is 142 GWh, out of which dry season energy is 21 GWh and the wet season energy is 121 GWh. The generated power is being evacuated to the national grid through the Middle Marshyangdi HEP substation as an alternative arrangement. The connecting point of Dordi Khola HEP (27 MW) as per the connection agreement is at Udipur substation hub which is still not completed.

The project was completed with the total cost of about NPR 5.28 billion Including IDC. The project was financed by a consortium of banks and financial institutions led by Prime Commercial Bank Ltd., Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu with the debt equity ratio of 75:25.

The major project development milestones are as mentioned below:


Survey License => 26th May 2005
Generation License => 7th July 2011
Grid Connection Agreement => 7th July 2010
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) => 4th October 2010
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) => 15th June 2012
Construction Start Date => March 2015
Detailed Design/ Construction Supervision => Entura Hydro Tasmania/ HPPL
Commercial Operation Date (COD) => 30th September 2022


Salient Features of Dordi Khola Hydropower Project

Name of River : Dordi Khola
Type of Scheme : Run-of-river
Gross Head : 212.0 m
Design Discharge : 15.28 m3/sec
Installed Capacity : 27.0 MW
Total Annual Energy : 148.249 GWh

Type of weir : Ogee type free over flow
Crest elevation of overflow weir : 762.0 m
Length of weir : 85 m (Including undersluice)
Maximum Flood Level : 764.78 amsl

Desanding Basin
No of chamber : Two
Dimension (L x B x H) : 71 m x 10.20 m x 5.50 av.m
Particle size to be settled : Up to 0.20 mm

Water Ways
Length of Water Conductor Pipe : 3200 m (2.65 m dia.)
Length of Headrace Tunnel : 2780 m (D-shape 4.30m)
Size of D-shaped Headrace Tunnel : 4.30 m
Length of penstock pipe : 877 m (2.3m dia)

Surge Tank
Shape : Circular
Height : 20 m
Diameter : 12 m

Type : Surface ( 35.7 m L x 21.80 m B)
Turbine Axis level : 547.04 m


Tailrace Canal
Type : RCC Box culvert
Length : 400 m ( 3.0 m x 2.1 m)

Transmission Line
Voltage level : 132 kV Single Circuit
Length : 1.2 km

Interconnection with NEA system
Substation : Proposed hub at Udipur
Location : Udipur VDC

Total Cost of the Project: NRs. 5.28 billion

Project Area

The project is located at Chiti of Besisahar Municipality of Lamjung District, Gandaki Province. The intake site is located at Chiti, Bansar, Nauther about 10 km from the powerhouse site at Ramchowk Besi, Chiti. The powerhouse area is located about 500 m upstream of the confluence of Dordi Khola and Marshyangdi River.

The Project area is located within the following geographical locations; however, the project boundary has been marked in the issued Generation License is up to the level 774.0 m amsl upstream of the diversion weir.
Longitudes from: 84º-26′-00″ E to 84º-28′-30″ E;
Latitudes from: 28º-10′-00″ N to 28º-13′-32″ N

The project area is accessible through metaled road about 170 km from Kathmandu to the Powerhouse site. Headworks area is located about 10 km upstream from the powerhouse area through Udipur – Kirtipur Road.

Current Project Status

The project was commissioned in September 2022 and is in commercial operation since 30th September 2022. The inhouse technical team is operating the plant under the contingency plan according to which the plant is generating the energy as per the dispatch instruction of the Load Dispatch Centre (LDC), NEA. The company has tried its best to end up the contingency plan and from 14th May 2024 (Jeth 1, 2081 BS) the plant was allowed to generate the energy as per the PPA clause. During dry season the plant is generating excess energy for two months continuously whereas during wet season the generation has reduced significantly because of LDC’s dispatch instruction.

The plant is running smoothly without problem since the commercial operation date. The plant has not run in its full capacity continuously due to the contingency plan and from the month Jeth of 2081 BS, the plant will be run in its full capacity continuously as per the PPA agreement.